Liturgical Celebrations & Sacraments

Note: Please contact the Pastoral Center at (337) 436-8093 for more information on any of the following...


Baptisms are held on the third Sunday of each month. Preparation Classes take place on the Tuesday prior to Baptism at 6:00pm in Founders' Hall. Parents or legal guardians must contact the Pastoral Center at least two weeks in advance to Schedule your child's Baptism. Please bring your child's birth certificate to the Pastoral Center prior to the Preparation Class.

First Penance

All Second Grade children who have been baptized Catholic will be eligible to celebrate the Sacrament of First Penance only if they attended First Grade last year. The prerequisite for First Penance is First Grade. If students did not attend PREP classes last year they will be placed in First Grade this year and celebrate the sacrament next year. Please note that children enrolled in Catholic schools are required to receive these sacraments in the church parish in which their family is registered and are required to attend PREP classes their sacramental year.

First Communion

All Second Grade children who have been baptized Catholic and have celebrated  the Sacrament of First Penance are eligible to celebrate the Sacrament of First Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) only if they attended First Grade last year.  The prerequisite for First Eucharist is First Grade. If students did not attend PREP classes last year they will be placed in First Grade this year and celebrate the sacrament next year. Please note that children enrolled in Catholic schools are required to receive these sacraments in the church parish in which their family is registered and are required to attend PREP classes their sacramental year.


Our Confirmation preparation is a three year program beginning in your child's 9th grade year of school and ending with the Sacrament of Confirmation in their 11th grade year. Please note that children enrolled in Catholic schools are required to receive the Sacrament in the church parish in which their family is registered and are required to attend PREP classes their sacramental year.


Couples wishing to be married at Immaculate Heart of Mary are to contact the Pastoral Center at least six months prior to the wedding in order to allow sufficient time for marriage preparation as directed by Diocesan policy. A Diocesan preparation course is mandatory.

Anointing of the Sick

Formerly known as "Last Rites" and performed prior to death, this sacrament is appropriate not only for those at the point of death, but also for those who are seriously or chronically ill. If possible, please do not wait until a loved one is incapacitated or in the hospital. Contact the Pastoral Center as soon as possible to schedule an anointing.