Easter Message from our Pastor, Fr. Wayne LeBleu

              Dear Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Family and to all our friends. This Easter message comes to you at a time when we feel like there are many dark days. In the Gospel, which is today's reading for Easter, we hear that Mary Magdala goes to the tomb early in the morning while it was still dark. These dark days seem to be without hope, but we, the Easter people, believe that it is important that we hope, that hope, that we hold the truth of Christ. And although we are separated from each other, we are assured of each other's prayers in the spirit of brother and sisterly love. As we come here today, as we celebrate Easter, it is my hope that we, although feeling these dark days, maybe we feel like the disciples who were locked in the room for out of fear, that we cannot allow fear to take us. And let's always remember the hope, the truth that Jesus Christ teaches, that today He is risen form the tomb, Alleluia, Alleluia! And that we remember that we are Easter people, that we always smile walking away from empty tombs. 

God bless you, God bless your family, and may God bless America!