Faith Formation

Registration for our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is ongoing during the entire Month of August. You may register during the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm Tuesdays thru Thursdays and 8:30am to 12:00noon Fridays in Founders' Hall. This year PREP Classes will be held from 6:00pm to 7:15pm. Classes will begin Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 6:00pm in Founders' Hall for all grades.  Registration, however, remains $30 per family. 

Click here for 2022-2023 PREP Registration Form

Please complete Registration Form and register by August 31, 2022.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

RCIA Team Member

Team members journey with those interested in the Catholic faith and contemplating membership.

Contact: Jacqueline Mathews at 337-436-8093

Men's Scripture Sharing Group

All men of the parish are invited to participate in this Scripture Sharing Group that takes place on Mondays at 5:30pm in Founders' Hall in the downstairs classroom. The Readings of the upcoming weekend Liturgy are broken open for knowledge, understanding, and personal application. Various religious published aides are used to facilitate this process.

Contact: Don Harris at 337-842-1202 or Richard Land at 337-512-0188

Women's Scripture Sharing Group

All women of the parish are invited to participate in this Scripture Sharing Group that takes place on Mondays at 4:00pm in Founders' Hall in the downstairs Conference Room. The Readings of the upcoming weekend Liturgy are broken open for knowledge, understanding, and personal application. Various religious published aides are used to facilitate this process.

Contact: Deborah Harris at 337-842-1201 or Mary Richard-Land at 337-438-6787

Youth Ministry

Young Disciples Exploring Christ; Growing in Christ; and Becoming Christ Centered

All youth of the parish between the ages of 6 to 18 are invited to participate in scheduled spiritual, community, and social gatherings geared towards youth in the appropriate age groups that promotes a Catholic, Christian life. Gatherings for our Middle School and Elementary Youth will be scheduled that will help our young children explore Christ in a way to grow closer to Him and to begin a new journey of growing in Christ. We are continuing to form young disciples of Christ to make a difference. We hope to enable them to contribute and share their gifts and talents and also to experience the chance to serve others through acts of service, ministry and love of God and one another. Our journey is to explore Christ, to grow in Christ, to be close to Christ and to become Christ Centered. Please encourage our youth to be a part of this wonderful chance to be themselves, to be who God created them to be! We are also calling our High School Youth to help facilitate these gatherings.

Contact  Jacqueline Mathews at 337-436-8093.

Parish Religious Education Program

PREP Classes


Please be aware that students that will celebrate any sacrament this year must have attended last year. If they did not attend last year they will have to attend the grade which is the prerequisite for the Sacrament. If they are in the second grade for the Sacraments of 1st Penance and 1st Eucharist and did not attend last year they will have to participate in first grade this year and celebrate the sacraments next year. If they are in 11th Grade and did not attend last year they will have to participate in the 10th grade this year and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year.  


Provides classroom religious instruction; promotes understanding of the Catholic faith in students; and models the faith by way of word and action. Complements the instruction and practice of Catholic values in the home and encourages children to make the connections between faith and life experiences.

Contact: Jacqueline Mathews at 337-436-8093

2022-2023 IHM PREP Catechists

  • Kindergarten - Sheroyne Capdeville
  • First Grade - Linda Chretien & Barbara Frank
  • Second Grade - Linda Duhon & Karen Lede
  • Third Grade - Jennifer Woods
  • Fourth Grade - Angela Arceneaux
  • Fifth Grade - Paula Armelin
  • Sixth Grade - Paula Simien
  • Seventh Grade - Jeremy Jason (In Need of Team Catechist)
  • Eighth Grade - (In Need of Catechist)
  • Ninth Grade - (In Need of Catechist)
  • Tenth Grade - Pamela Clayton
  • Eleventh Grade - Darlene Howard
  • RCIA Adapted for Children - Theresa Lavergne
  • DRE - Jacqueline Mathews

Religious Education Aide

Assists the catechist in the religious education classroom; assists the DRE with administrative duties; and assists with special projects during religious education.

Contact: Jacqueline Mathews at 337-436-8093

2022-2023 IHM PREP Aides & Security

  • Charlene Johnson
  • Bertha Gobert
  • Rhonda Elam
  • Nolia Simien

Substitute Catechist/Aide

Fill in when a Catechist/Aide is unable to attend a class and provide instructions for the students.

Contact:  Jacqueline Mathews at 337-436-8093