Liturgical Ministries

Stewardship of Time and Talent Opportunities

"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send our laborers for his harvest.  Matt 9:37

We are called to give our time and talent to assist in harvest. All are called!!! Prayerfully listen to where God is calling you to "go" and "serve." Please contact the Pastoral Center to sign up for a ministry or complete the attached form and mail to the Pastoral Center.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Server

Must have received First Holy Communion. Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass, weddings, funerals, and other liturgical services. Training is required.

Contact: The Pastoral Center at 337-436-8093


Under the general direction of the clergy undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations by preparing the Church for the Eucharistic celebration. Make sure things necessary for worship are in place and always available. Training is required.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and also bring Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass due to illness. Training is required.

Contact: The Pastoral Center at 337-436-8093


Welcome the assembly at the start of Mass. Greeters also formally welcome all visitors to our assembly and encourage their attendance whenever they are in the area.

Contact: Benita January at 337-274-1652


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Training is required.

Contact: Darlene Howard at 337-794-2144


Ushers greet assembly at the door, escort parishioners to their seat, take up collections, direct the assembly at time of Communion, and distribute bulletins.

Contact: Lurlin Leger at 337-433-2464


Sings at the 4:00pm Saturday liturgy and the 8:30am and 11:00am Sunday liturgies. Also sing for special Masses and on various holy days. 4:00pm rehearsals are held on Saturdays at 3:00pm. Other choir rehearsals to be announced.

Contact: The Pastoral Center at 337-436-8093

Download the Application

Art and Decor - Liturgical Environment 

Designs and implements the liturgical theme and color for the Sanctuary, Atrium, and Chapel for the liturgical seasons of the year: Advent, Ordinary Time, Christmas, Lent, Holy Triduum, Easter, and Pentecost

Contact: Jacque Mathews at 337-436-8093