Parish Services

Pastoral Care of the Sick

Parishioners are urged to call the Parish Pastoral Center to inform us of a family member that is hospitalized or homebound. With the current Federal HIPPA law, hospitals are no longer able to notify churches about their hospitalized parishioners. The only way we can know a person is hospitalized or homebound is if we receive a phone call informing us at the Pastoral Center.

Each hospital in Lake Charles is under the pastoral care of a priest/priests:

  • St Patrick is served by Fr. Brian King and Fr. Charles Okorougo
  • Lake Charles Memorial is served by Fr. Joby Mathew, HGN
  • Women and Children's is served by Our Lady Queen of Heaven Priests

Let us pray for all those who are infirmed and entrust their needs to the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Mass Intentions

Anyone can request a Mass to be said for a living or deceased family member or friend. Intentions are printed weekly in the church bulletin. To request a Mass intention, please come by the Pastoral Center to complete the process or download and mail the form below along with a stipend of $5.00 per Mass to:

Immaculate Heart of Mary
ATTN: Mass Intentions
2031 Opelousas Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601

Special dates should be requested at least two to three weeks in advance.

Register as a Parishioner

We invite all members of the parish to register as a parishioner. Contact the Parish Pastoral Center, complete and submit online registration, or download and complete the registration form below and mail to:

Immaculate Heart of Mary
ATTN: Parish Registration
2031 Opelousas Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601

Offertory Envelopes

Any registered parishioner of Immaculate Heart of Mary may request offertory envelopes. Offertory envelopes are mailed out once a year. A small number of blank envelopes are provided to the office by the company that mails out the envelopes. If you desire envelopes and did not receive them at the yearly mailing, please contact the Pastoral Center to obtain offertory envelopes.

If the office is out of the temporary blank envelopes from the company, PLEASE address a plain white envelope with the following information and place in the collection box.






AMOUNT ENCLOSED:_______________________________________________

Bible Study Groups

  • Women's Scripture Sharing Group: 4:00 PM on Mondays in Founders' Hall
  • Men's Scripture Sharing Group: 5:30 PM on Mondays in Founders' Hall