Parish Support Organizations

Parish Life

Evangelization Committee

This committee helps foster enthusiasm about the Catholic Christian faith.

Contact: Shirley Green at 337-842-4007

Parish Bazaar

Held the first weekend in the month of October. The fair is the largest parish-wide event of the year and fundraiser for the parish. Many volunteers are needed the weekend of the fair. The parish has need for: set -up of booths, kitchen work, food preparation for dinner sales, preparation of and secure refreshment sales, serving food, ticket sales, game booth work shifts, flea market staff, raffle ticket booth shifts, grounds crew during the bazaar, and clean-up crew.

Contact: Kerry Charles at 337-477-4312 or Wanda Johnwell at 337-526-9625

Vocations Promotion Committee

Encourages the parish to pray for vocations and coordinate the rotation of the vocation cross among the members of the parish. Provide prayer aides to be used at each Mass to pray for vocations.

Contact: Linda Rideau at 337-436-0015

Human Concerns Ministries

Pro-Life Ministry

Helps promote the dignity of human life through various activities during the year, such as collection of baby items, school supplies, etc. Makes charitable donations to Abraham's Tent, etc.

Contact: Annie Lazard at 337-433-5788

St. Vincent De Paul Society

Provides assistance to those in need, who reside in our parish boundaries and are screened as meeting requirements for assistance. Assistance provided upon availability of funds, which comes from the generosity of parishioners.

Contact: The Pastoral Center at 337-436-8093

Sick & Homebound Visitation

Parishioners visit the sick and bring Communion to them both at home and at the hospital (via Legion of Mary).

Contact: The Pastoral Center at 337-436-8093

Bereavement Ministers

Bereavement Ministers extend support and concern in the name of the parish by calling family members or sending cards in the days after the funeral. They set-up a Wall of Remembrance with pictures, of deceased parishioners or family members of parishioners, who have died in the past year. They also organize the annual Memorial Mass held on All Souls day for families of deceased members who have died in the past year.

Contact: Mary Richard-Land at 337-438-6787

Social Justice Committee

Social Justice Committee raises awareness of the needs of the broader community and Christian solutions to local and global problems.

Contact: Chantell Smith at 337-540-4656

Parish Organizations

Christian Mothers

Foster the ideals of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers. Promote devotion to Our Lord by an active religious life and frequent reception of the Sacraments. Promote Christian values and the intellectual and spiritual growth of the family. Participate intimately in the life of the Church and assist where needed. Committed to assisting the priest in the parish, the community, the Bishop in the diocese, and the Universal Church in all her spiritual and temporal needs.

Contact: Rena Sterling at 337-433-4765

Legion of Mary

Anyone 18 years of age and older, male or female is welcome to join the Legion of Mary. Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at 5:30pm. Assignments are made for visiting the sick and shut-in at home, nursing homes, or hospitals. Everything talked about while visiting is confidential. Also coordinate Communion Services in the homes with Deacon Bushnell for sick and shut-in. In May and October organize an outdoor rosary, the months of Mary our "Blessed Mother". The Legion usually purchases literature for the shut-ins.

Contact: Nancy Guillory at 337-439-8578

Holy Name Society

Promotes reverence for the Sacred Names of God and Jesus Christ, obedience and loyalty to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and the personal sanctification and holiness of its members. Members contribute to the evangelization mission of the Church. Assist in parish ministries by performing the Corporal Works of Mercy as well as the Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Contact: Lernest Semien at 337-436-3547; Don Harris at 337-842-1202; Sidney Jean at 337-794-2466

Knights of Peter Claver Council #141

This organization is active in 34 states. The largest African American lay Catholic organization. The KPC is a fraternal organization founded by (4) Josephite priests and (3) laymen in 1909. It was incorporated in 1911. The goals of KPC are as follows: Support the Pastor, Parish, and Bishop; Instill civic pride and action; Engage in opportunities to demonstrate Catholicism; Allow for social interaction that foster a sense of community; Provide for awarding of scholarships; Develop the character of youth; and Provide social and intellectual stimulation for its members.

Contact: Knights of Peter Claver Council #141 Arnold Bellow at 337-965-9275 | Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court #141, Joanne Wells  at 337-274-8799 | KPC Junior Knights, David Bellow at 337-249-1203 | KPC Junior Daughters, Katie Johnson at 337-802-9380; Fourth Degree Knights of Peter Claver Assembly #22 Herman Guidry at 337-302-9428; Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Chapter #22 Rosa E. Morgan at 337-370-1207 or 337-400-3090