Staff Member: Ms. Jacqueline Mathews

Ms. Jacqueline Mathews

Director of Religious Education (DRE)
Phone: 337-436-8093
Email: Click Here to Email

Jacque' is a native of Lake Charles and life-long member of IHM. She is the mother of 3 beautiful daughters and the grandmother of 5 handsome grandsons and 2 beautiful granddaughters with another grandson on the way! The desire of her heart has always been to work with youth. After years of desiring to do so, she finally began work at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School as secretary and then SHJ Church as DRE/Youth Minister. She is now Director of Religious Education at her home parish and counts her blessings every day. After all, her favorite saying is, "I'm Blessed!"

Photo of Ms. Jacqueline Mathews